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Showing posts from March, 2024

Let's Tune In

Let's Tune In! It was a busy but productive week for these little 's cientists '. It didn't take them a long time to delve in instantly with the new unit on 'How the world works'.  To prepare them to new inquiries, it is important for us to unlock words that will be used throughout the unit.  Living and nonliving things The students did a sorting activity and it took a lot of discussions - agreeing and disagreeing. Finally, we all decided to simply group the pictures into two: living and nonliving things.    The preschoolers described the characteristics of living things: .. they grow .. they need food and water .. breathe .. they can feel .. need to rest or sleep .. they can move Brain Frame: Telling Frame Together with their partner, they created a visual tool that helped them organize their thinking. Through this exercise they were able to form connections from the topic to other ideas and concepts.  They started practicing their communication skills as they

Continuing Inqiuiry

  What is culture?  Why is it important in understanding who we are?  How are we similar or different from one another?   Despite  the many conversations, different activities, practices, and discussions,  8 long weeks still were not enough to fully  "understand how our personal cultures, beliefs and traditions help us celebrate similarities and differences." In reality, it is easier in an international community to notice and identify all the differences than the similarities.  But with this, comes respect, acceptance and kindness. We may call our celebrations or events differently -  but we found out that we all have a purpose or reason to celebrate. We prepare different foods for celebrations or events - but we found out that it is because the food may be different for every country depending on the location.  We can also share resources to others. We may wear different clothing - But we found out we all need to wear clothes to be comfortable. We may speak different langua

Reasons for celebration

What are the reasons we celebrate? There is no specific reason why people celebrate.  Depending on the beliefs, cultures, age, family background everyone will give many reasons to celebrate.  This unit has important ATLs that we are trying to develop.  Social  They worked in groups and learned how to communicate and build social connections with each other. They learned to respect different perspectives and used context and roles using dialogues.  Communication Role-play enhances language skills by using dialogue and vocabulary relevant to the role that they are portraying. It is especially beneficial for English Language Learners. Through role play we were able to target these skills while exploring the Line of Inquiry on  Reasons for celebration. Each group prepared a short role play and act out how they would respond or what they with do with the given situations.  Scenario 1: It is Christmas! " We will sleep early, brush out teeth and wait for Santa to come. Then, we will open