What is culture?
Why is it important in understanding who we are?
How are we similar or different from one another?
Despite the many conversations, different activities, practices, and discussions,
8 long weeks still were not enough to fully "understand how our personal cultures, beliefs and traditions help us celebrate similarities and differences."
In reality, it is easier in an international community to notice and identify all the differences than the similarities.
But with this, comes respect, acceptance and kindness.
We may call our celebrations or events differently -
but we found out that we all have a purpose or reason to celebrate.
We prepare different foods for celebrations or events -
but we found out that it is because the food may be different for every country depending on the location.
We can also share resources to others.
We may wear different clothing -
But we found out we all need to wear clothes to be comfortable.
We may speak different languages -
But we found out that conversation brings people together and we need to talk to each other.
We may play different sports -
But we found out that we all need to play and have fun.
We are only 5s and 6s,
we still have a lot of things to learn and understand about who we are.
We may have our differences, but we all believe in the culture of respect and kindness in Preschool.
Where everyone feels accepted and included.
Our journey to understanding ourselves and others just started and we are looking forward to our next unit.
As we will inquire how all living things go through a process of change.
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