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Showing posts from January, 2023

A place and time

We can steer ourselves to the direction we choose, It works,  if it's the right place, and  the right time. - Ms. Faye - We explored the world together in the Preschool class! We traveled to different places - cities, countries, continents and oceans in Google Earth . We enjoyed the ride from these places and ended up in our school  DSK International . Intelligent  conversations emerged from this activity and questions just kept on coming!  "Why are the countries separated? Why can't it only be one big country?" "How long it will take us to come to Japan if we ride a boat from Germany?" "Why do people travel?"  "What happens, when the sun is on the other side of the earth?" And I am proud to say that, at that moment, the Preschoolers' INQUIRY begins. From Google Earth, we moved on to familiarizing ourselves and discovering the differences and similarities between a GLOBE and MAP.  I was surprised that some of the students know the dir


Personal History  "The story of who we are and why we are the way we are." We started unpacking 2 important words that the students need to understand and move on in our inquiry.  It started with making connections.... They noticed that the word 'personal' is in the word 'personality'.  The word 'history' has 'story'   Therefore: Personal History = My Story This unit will focus on their personal stories from past to present.  Inquiring  about growth, changes, journeys and interconnectedness of an individual to the global perspective.    To start of, they listed down things that they know or remember about themselves from 1 to 5/6 year old. They told stories based on their memories or from what they heard or seen from their photos or videos.  In the mind of these fives or sixes, these may be a reality, a vague memory from the past, or simply just an imagination.  Whatever it was, it was great! What is important is to encourage and develop these

Power of Words

  WORDS HAVE THE POWER The power to... change our perceptions,  shape our beliefs, create or destroy a person, and ultimately...  create our world. The preschoolers ended the unit on 'Who We Are'.  To sum up the inquiry, they are creating a 'Word Wall' or positive words. They thought of a word that is important or they value as a person and wrote it on a poster.  As they painted their poster, they reflected on ways... How this word can be useful for them.  How this word can make other people feel good and happy about themselves.  How they can share this word to people around them.    It was surprising how the students came up with words that stuck to them during the span of our inquiry in this unit. Words that are not just limited to the IB's Learner Profile.  We also looked at the posters created by the previous preschoolers. These posters made them realize that simple words from the heart can make anyone feel good and happy.