The power to...
change our perceptions,
shape our beliefs,
create or destroy a person,
and ultimately...
create our world.
The preschoolers ended the unit on 'Who We Are'.
To sum up the inquiry, they are creating a 'Word Wall' or positive words. They thought of a word that is important or they value as a person and wrote it on a poster.
As they painted their poster, they reflected on ways...
How this word can be useful for them.
How this word can make other people feel good and happy about themselves.
How they can share this word to people around them.
It was surprising how the students came up with words that stuck to them during the span of our inquiry in this unit. Words that are not just limited to the IB's Learner Profile.
We also looked at the posters created by the previous preschoolers. These posters made them realize that simple words from the heart can make anyone feel good and happy.
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