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Why are there so many questions?

This used to be a simple preschool picture board,
but now it is filled with questions that we all have stored. 
everyday we discovered new things and explored, 
the answers to our wonderings that can't be ignored.

- Ms. Faye -

Just like them, Ms. Faye also has wonderings. All together,  they helped Ms. Faye  find answers to her questions.

Ms. Faye's Wondering No. 1

What are the many roles and responsibilities of the family members? 

They worked with a group and talked about the people who are responsible for certain tasks at home. 
They came up with different responses and it was evident that each student reflected, based on their own experiences and situations from home.

Ms. Faye's Wondering No. 2

How and why might roles and responsibilities of each family member be different?

They came up with the following reasons: 

 Safety - Is it going to be safe for the children to do the job?
ex: cutting vegetables with a knife
Age - Is the job something that kids can do or only mommy or daddy?
ex: washing the dishes / setting the table
Size (Body) - Will it need strength or it is just an easy job?
Ex: carrying heavy furniture

However, they all agreed that gender doesn't matter! 
Boys can do a girl's job and girls can also do a boy's job!

Up for next week...

Do you know the people in our school community?

I am sure you can tell the next community that the preschoolers will be inquiring about... 

The faces below the photos will indicate if the preschoolers know, maybe they do (but not sure) or do not know the person. This will be the spring board to be familiar and to understand the roles and responsibilities of the people in the DSKI community. 

They worked on it independently and later turned and talked to a partner to compare and share their responses.

What can we do to help?

Taking action in the Inquiry Cycle does not come only at the end of the unit. As early as now, the preschoolers have proven that they can help to make their family community run smoothly. 

With these simple responsibilities, the preschoolers have proven that we always have something to contribute. 

We can be responsible, 
to show that we care.

Next week would be exciting as we explore how the people in the school community work together to make the school run smoothly. 



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