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Students Leading


Tell me and I forget,
Teach me and I remember,
Involve me and I learn.

- Benjamin Franklin -

The highest evidence of learning is when a child is able to transfer the knowledge and skills learned to others. 

And who else would be the perfect people to show that the year spent learning at school is worth while and meaningful? Of course, none other than their own parents. 

Through the 3-day event of Student Led Conferences (SLCs) and The Preschool's Animal Exhibit, they were able to showcase the process of their learning.

It was a beautiful sight to see the parents welcomed back inside the school to visit and see how their child progressed in all learning areas. 

For preschool, they started in the classroom, wherein the students showed their parents the classroom, works that they are proud of in Literacy, Numeracy, UOI, and portfolio. 

This experience enabled the students to address the SLC's objectives.

To understand oneself as a learner and have a better understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses. 

With the teacher's guidance, the students prepared for the SLC by choosing works that they would like to share to their parents. These works that show their strengths or things to improve on as a learner. 

The preschoolers used their voice and chose specific concrete materials in Numeracy, work samples in Literacy and the Unit Wall to share to their parents. 

Explaining the Writing Process

Showing an online educational game and the portfolio.


To take responsibility for reporting their own learning and being able to justify and explain to others.

They took ownership and led their own conference. The materials in the classrooms available were provocations for them to use. The teacher stood back, watched or occasionally would give reminders to the child or the parents. 


To take the initiative and leading the feedback process.

2 questions for the parents:
1. What is something that you are proud of in Preschool?
2. What are the things that would like to work better on or improved on? 

Finally, Preschool Animal Exhibit was the highlight of the Student Lead Conferences (SLC).
It was the evidence on how they went through the Inquiry Process and how all the subject areas and specialist subject areas were integrated in the Unit of Inquiry.


Animal Sculptures

Preschoolers also proudly shared information about their Animal Exhibit to other students and teachers at DSKI.

They read their published animal stories to the Kinder 1 and Kinder 2 students.

They explained the plant experiment! 


Of course the whole exhibit about the animal, life cycle, food chain, and fun facts about the animals. They also answered questions from the teachers and students.

It was a wonderful 3-day event of Student Led Conferences and The Preschool's Animal Exhibit!


Congratulations Perky Preschoolers and Parents! A wonderful year with you all!

I am the proudest, happiest and the luckiest teacher that witnessed all the students' hard work, enthusiasm and success!


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