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Showing posts from March, 2022

How the world works

After Spring Break, the preschool will start with the new the unit on the transdisciplinary theme,  How the World Works an inquiry on All living things go through a process of change.  They will look at the lines of inquiry about: patterns of growth stages of a life cycle factors affecting change Part of the learning process would be gaining an understanding of the concepts on causation, change and responsibility .  As they go through the inquiry they will learn to approach their learning by thinking, researching and communicating with each other.  This unit will help the students develop as a learner who is a thinker, inquirer and balanced.

A celebration of Book and Culture

BOOK AND CULTURE WEEK March 7 -11, 2022 Differences and other cultures are meant to be celebrated,  it is a reflection of everyone's beautiful stories  and unique human spirit!  - Ms. Faye -  This week, the Preschool together with the whole DSKI community celebrated Book and Culture Week. This school event is an opportunity for the preschoolers to find out more about traditions and special events in connection to our year long unit on ' How we express ourselves'. Cultural Booths Cultural Booths were prepared by the parents in the hallway which gives students glimpses about different countries. Each booth was presented in in different forms to showcase each country's own unique cultures.   Bonjour!  Caroline came to classroom and shared a special tradition from France called 'La Chandeluer'. A day dedicated eating crêpes! As you may have guessed, all the students experienced flipping the crêpe! Over the years, the reason for the celebration changes. But families

Learning From Each Other

  Let the children teach us   something new about things that we  (think) already know... - Ms. Faye - Sorting Out Moving forward in our unit, the Preschoolers started putting ideas to answer big questions.  The 3 Key Concepts: change, perspective and connection help the students be guided towards deeper understanding of the central idea. They brainstormed ideas about their knowledge of the 3 key concepts.   As a class, we came up with a definition for each: Change: From one thing to another; not the same Perspective: What we think might be different from what others think Connection: Things that are the same as others; Like a line - one point is connected to the other point.  After, they answered the prompt questions. They provided personal examples for each key concepts.  They will continue adding on to this visual tool until as they continue with the sorting out stage of the Inquiry Cycle. As inquirers who ask questions, group discussions and collaboration is a common scenario insid