Dressing up as a Community Helper ended our first unit on the Transdiciplinary Theme, How We Organise Ourselves. One intense afternoon on the 20th of October, the Preschoolers became different characters and shared their stories during the Publishing Party. They prepared and anticipated the day that they will share their roles and responsibilities and become the person that they dream of becoming. In front of other students, teachers and parents, they proudly shared their stories as they hid their nervousness with those sweaty and shaky hands. Questions were asked, but the Preschoolers confidently answered them. Now, meet our future Community Helpers who will become MOVERS and CHANGERS in the world! Shinkansen Train Driver "I love trains." Illustrator "I want to create books." Police Officer "I want to catch bad guys." Doctor (Dermatologist) "I want to work in a hospital like my dad and mom." Doctor "I want...
Excuse the mess, we are learning here