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Showing posts from September, 2021

Form, Functions and Patterns

  The Preschoolers developed their understanding of the school community.  After asking people in the school, they understood the different roles and responsibilities of each one.  As a class, we synthesised and used the FORM of a person to understand that just like the body parts have FUNCTIONS, our school has members that have ROLES and RESPONSIBILITIES. See the photo collage the preschoolers came up with to represent each members of the school community. Mr. Inman (The Principal) - Head He thinks and he plans for the teachers, parents and students. He thinks of way to make the school a better place for everyone. Support Staff (Yasuyo, Miyuki, Mizumi-san, Hanna, Bus Driver) - Hands They help the students and the whole school.  They school will be messy and dirty without Mizumi san cleaning the school. They help organise the school. They call the parents when we are sick and we need something. Teachers - The body  The teachers help the whole school function. Helps the students, paren

Preschoolers are Finding Out

The preschoolers are FINDING OUT more information about their school community. They looked at photos of some of the people who work at DSKI. They coloured in the emojis to signify how familiar they are with the person in the photo. They realised that they did not know a lot of the people in the pictures and what they do for the school. They toured around the school and searched for them and to see where they are and what they do in school.  As INQUIRERS, they also asked questions to understand the roles and responsibilities of the people working in the school community.  "What do you do?" "Do you like your job? Why do you like it?" "Why are you a teacher?" "What makes you  important in our school?" "What are your responsibilities as a student?" "Why do you help us?" "Why do you have to clean the whole school?" How are these people helping each other make the DSKI community run smoothly? We'll find out next week!

Preschooler's VOICE

RESPONSIBILITIES (Family)  Brainstorming  This week, the preschoolers talked in detail about the members of the families. After the family picture 'Tuning In' activity, the preschoolers reflected on the other responsibilities of each member: mother, father, brother, sister and 'me'.      They realized that everyone in their home has their share of responsibilities. They also noticed that even if they belong to different families, every members' responsibilities are mostly the same.  Understanding ROLES in the family through STICK PUPPETS They showed creativity, collaboration and critical thinking by using stick puppets. They expressed their 'voice' and put them in the ROLE of the creator. They used the puppet sticks to make a simple short story (scenario) to show everyones' role and responsibilities when planning for a family activity.        Next week, Preschoolers will move on and look into the School's Community. 

Unit on How We Organise Ourselves

This week the Preschoolers started with the first unit on the Transdiciplinary Theme "How We Organise Ourselves."   In this unit, the students will gain a deeper understanding as they look into the Central Idea Roles and Responsibilities make organisations run smoothly.   Throughout the inquiry process, preschoolers will focus on the  Lines of Inquiry :  Various communities we belong to Roles / Jobs have responsibilities  Different jobs in the community They will be knowledgeable on the Key Concepts on Form, Function and Responsibilities .  To help the preschoolers approach their learning , they will focus acquiring the skills on  self-management, social and research . Int the end, the preschoolers will develop on the Learner Profile Attributes of being principled, caring and thinkers. TUNING IN: The preschoolers unlocked words related to our unit.  Roles are the character, the part played by a person. Who they are.   Responsibilities are what people do and their jobs. Th