UNIT OF INQUIRY How are the roles and responsibilities of the people at DSKI help make the school run smoothly? This week preschoolers went around the school to find out the answers to their BURNING QUESTIONS. Why do you look at the TV outside and look at the gate and the bus? Why the bus driver pick up the students? “Why do you Mr. Inman go to our classroom?” “What do you do in school, Miumi-san?” “Why do students need to learn to read and write?” “Will schools be okay without teachers?” Amalia asking Mr. Inman her question. The preschoolers SORTED OUT the information they have gathered from their interview. They then made a connection to the members of the school community to the different parts of the body. They labeled each part with the members of the school community and explained why they decided to place them in each of the parts. Thoughtful responses from the Preschoolers! LITERACY Preschoolers looked into another important STORY ELEMENT - The SETTING. Se...
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