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Our Field Trip Story

Our field trip to Rokkosan Pasture yesterday provided the students an authentic hands-on experiential learning. It enabled the preschoolers to connect with whatever we are learning in the classroom to the real-world context. 

We took the Red Bus and traveled the road for almost 40 minutes to get to the place were we can see some farm animals roaming freely in their habitat.

It was a lovely day and we were all excited to start our trip around the place.
We got a map to make sure that we know where we were heading. 

The students and parents were surprised to see this giant 'mommy' cow! 

So we visited the baby cows and fed them milk from the bottles. 

It was sad that they were separated from their mommies and it seemed like they were so hungry! The preschoolers took turns and fed them bottles of freshly collected milk. 
The milk smelled delicious. 

The students also saw some guinea pigs resting.


They observed some friendly goats inside inside the fence.

At first the preschoolers were nervous. 
But because they are risk-takers, they tried extending their hand and eventually enjoyed the time feeding them. 

We also said 'hello' and spent a bit time petting the sheep dog. 

Ofcourse, the lost sheep found its friends and enjoyed the attention from preschoolers. 


It was a long walk and the we needed our rest time!

We ended the trip visiting this girl's chosen animal - rabbits!

The skin, oops no - not skin! 
The FUR of the rabbits, according to the preschoolers are very soft and nice to touch. 

But the rabbits, didn't like loud noises that's why some of them got a little bit scared and hid inside the rabbit holes. 

One of the preschoolers enjoyed feeding her chosen animal - horse with carrots! 

It was a long and tiring day!

But the preschoolers went back to school happy and filled with knowledge, experiences and memories they will take with them being life-long learners.




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