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Showing posts from May, 2024

Exhibit story

  Our unit on HOW THE WORLD WORKS came to an end and the Preschoolers shared their learning through 'Our Animal Exhibit!' In the OCEAN.. Eisuke and O chan swam with the SHARKS So did Chanin and got so tired after swimming with an ORCA. While, Rimi is always as quiet as a FISH, Tamaki and mom enjoyed watching the DOLPHINS Haruto tried to look but couldn't find Nemo.  Instead he found another CLOWN FISH! While waiting, Umi saw the SEA TURTLE that they released finally came back. A FLAMINGO was also busily catching shrimps with Kallea. That made everyone happy and An can't wait for an OCTOPUS takoyaki!  But, Matthias let his OCTOPUS free and safe in the ocean.  At the FARM.. Luckily, Clara's black HORSE won the race! We couldn't find Mei and her DOG... But instead we found Daisy or is that a DOG wearing a dress?  Thankfully, Emma finally came home after hopping with the RABBIT!  Now the farm is quiet.... But out in the WILDERNESS.. Yui went on a BEAR hunt and caugh

Our Field Trip Story

Our field trip to Rokkosan Pasture yesterday provided the students an authentic hands-on experiential learning. It enabled the preschoolers to connect with whatever we are learning in the classroom to the real-world context.  We took the Red Bus and traveled the road for almost 40 minutes to get to the place were we can see some farm animals roaming freely in their habitat. It was a lovely day and we were all excited to start our trip around the place. We got a map to make sure that we know where we were heading.  The students and parents were surprised to see this giant 'mommy' cow!  So we visited the baby cows and fed them milk from the bottles.  It was sad that they were separated from their mommies and it seemed like they were so hungry! The preschoolers took turns and fed them bottles of freshly collected milk.  The milk smelled delicious.  The students also saw some guinea pigs resting.   They observed some friendly goats inside inside the fence. At first the preschoolers

All living things

 This week Preschoolers inquired about one of the most important living things THE PLANTS Plants are living things that grow on soil and turns the light from the sun into food. It makes its own food in the process called PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Characteristics of Plants they need water the only living thing that can make its own food it gives energy to other living things gives fresh air (oxygen) without plants other living things will die it came from seeds lives in the ground gives food to people   Importance of Plants They provide habitat to animals They are the only living thing that can make their own food they gives off oxygen - air for all living things  The students also named the parts and function of the different parts roots - absorbs water and nutrients from the soil stem - helps support the plant and transports water around the plant leaves - make the food for the plant from the carbon dioxide, sunlight, air and water fruits - protects the seeds flowers - helps in reproduction THE