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100 Day in Preschool

Hearts 100 % full
with these cool

The 100 day of school is an exciting milestone for the preschoolers. 
It is the halfway point for the year and an important time for them to reflect and celebrate their growth and accomplishments. 

The whole day was aligned with the 100th day theme. 

For art, they created a 100th Days Smarter hat. 
They carefully colored in the school and wore it with pride around the school. 



100th Day Collection 

As part in numeracy, they brought their own 1oo pieces of collections and patiently counted it one by one on the 100 mat. The challenge was not to have less or more than 100 pieces! 

100 pompoms
100 chick peas 
100 1 yen

100 assorted objects such as: corks, buttons, coins, beads, and charms

100 straws


All the collections were unique and the others were totally unexpected! 
The students and teachers, went around to admire the preschoolers' collections. 
100 Pattern Blocks
Using different combination of pattern blocks, the students created number 100.



I wish I had 100...

Happy 100th Day from the Perky Preschool! 


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