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We are all connected



.. a bond

.. connection

... chain or link

Kinds of Relationship


Smallest group in the community. They are the people who are related to you like mommy, daddy, brothers or sisters, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. 


Someone you can have fun with. You play together and laugh together. They accept you for who you are. Someone who makes you smile when you are sad and helps you when you when other people are not nice to you. 


People you love and care for so much and wants the best for the other person. They want to get to know each other, get married and start a family. 


Everyday we meet a lot of people in our lives. We talk to them, they help us in the community and sometimes we even play or work with them. However, we only spend a short amount of time and sometimes we may not see them again. 

Exploring Connections with my FRIEND

A Venn Diagram is used to explore relationships and compares similarities and differences of things. 

We used a Venn Diagram to get to know more about the partner. When communicating and asking questions about the other person a Venn Diagram helped them know more about themselves. 

Getting to know someone is a good start when making friends.

Realizing that we have a lot of things on common is an amazing feeling!

Working with someone helps develop connection and builds social relationship. 

Through this activity, the preschoolers applied their 'questioning' skills by asking small and big questions and answering with details and explanation. 

Solving a Problem with my FRIEND

What is a PROBLEM? 

"A problem is something that happened but shouldn't have happened. It makes someone feel sad, mad, surprised, hurt, or cry."

- Perky Preschool -

What can we do if we have a problem? 
We can either GIVE UP.... 
Think of a SOLUTION by sorting it out...

"Make the problem not a problem but make it better!"
- Eda, Rose and Sophia - 

We can also choose between a good or poor choices. 




By going through the Problem Solving Map, the preschoolers practiced being open-minded as they thought of different ways to solving a problem. 

With the solutions, they also tried to figure out what might happen if they do it. In the end, they chose the best one that they think might have better results or consequences. 

Next week, we will continue our inquiry about on cause and effect. 


The young writers have finished the plot of their creative stories. 

They have drawn and shared what happened in the beginning, middle and the end. They made sure that the characters faced a certain problem and found a solution.

... and yes, they have already started with the first page focusing on the 'setting'.

We are all excited to continue on their first creative stories next week! 
I am sure they will be thrilled to share these with you all at the end of our unit.


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