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Showing posts from October, 2022

Preschoolers can be anything!

We can do anything, once we work for our dream. We can be anything, once we start to dream… - Ms. Faye - Ending our unit on How We Organize Ourselves with a Publishing Party.  As a result from their research, the trips, interviews, survey, and through the resource speakers, they put together the information on an informative book. They presented this to the parent community.  A mixture of excitement, nervousness and confusion were seen during the presentation. But this experience was a big step towards becoming confident traders, writers and speakers.  They have proven that they can do anything!  Thus, they can be anything.  'I am a doctor' 'I am a baker’ ' I am a chef' 'I am a firefighter' 'I am a police officer' ' I am a police officer' ' I am a fashion designer' ' I am a doctor' ' I am a car engineer' ' I am a doctor' ' I am a post man' ' I am a police officer' ' I am a teacher' '

Exploring Learning Resources

  What an exciting week it has been!  Learning resources are the things that we, as teachers access to help us in our teaching. It provides a source of learning experience for the preschoolers and assists the process of interaction in the class.  The preschoolers have utilized the use of books, pictures, stories, discussions, technology, and educational videos to assist them in their research.  This week, 2 important resources were presented to the preschoolers. 1. People are important learning resource. Veronica Anzuay - Carzis A Veterinarian Veronica shared her knowledge, roles and responsibilities as a vet back in Argentina. The preschoolers enjoyed listening how domestic and wild animals were taken cared of and treated when they are injured.  Veronica shared a very important take away to the preschoolers: "We have a RESPONSIBILITY to help and take care of our world." Can Yaldiz A Diaper Engineer  As an engineer, Can is good at identifying problems, thinking and finding so

The Burning Questions

“Education is not the filling of a pail, But the lighting of a fire.” -William Butler Years- One fine morning,  5s and 6s year olds noticed men in blue uniform changed into a seemingly heavy, hot and uncomfortable orange suit. These men were rushing to the red truck and raised the volume of this ear popping siren!  A few hopped in an ambulance to follow the red truck.  Thinking that this was just part of the act, one asked.  “Where are they going?”  To which, one of them answered,  “They have to respond to a road car accident.”  Yes, something happened. Kobe City Firemen Preschoolers were fortunate to meet real life ‘superheroes’ in Kobe who help out people during difficult situations such as: fires, road accidents, earthquakes, and others. They took time to explain to these little inquirers their roles and responsibilities. They showed them the different tools they use for their job.  They also explained what each of them are for. Curiouser and curiouser, they wanted to see how the wa