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Showing posts from June, 2022

what a wonderful world

June 15, 2022 Today marks the end of the Perky Preschool Class 2021 - 2022!  What a roller coaster ride it has been! It was a year filled with sighs, cries,  complains,  'pampararampam - pampam',  but above all, singing, laughter, hugs, love, and happiness. It was the year we celebrated the sixes' proved to the whole DSKI community that as what Dr. Seuss' said, "a person's a person no matter how small." Together, their voices were heard. Together, they grew. Together, they shone. Together,  they are capable of achieving more than what they are expected to do. And with that, Ms. Faye's Perky Preschool shares with you their Taking Action video on What a Wonderful World. Amidst the chaos in this world, within ourselves, it is still a wonderful world! Have a great summer vacation!

Students Leading

  Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn. - Benjamin Franklin - The highest evidence of learning is when a child is able to transfer the knowledge and skills learned to others.  And who else would be the perfect people to show that the year spent learning at school is worth while and meaningful? Of course, none other than their own parents.  Through the 3-day event of Student Led Conferences (SLCs) and The Preschool's Animal Exhibit, they were able to showcase the process of their learning. It was a beautiful sight to see the parents welcomed back inside the school to visit and see how their child progressed in all learning areas.  For preschool, they started in the classroom, wherein the students showed their parents the classroom, works that they are proud of in Literacy, Numeracy, UOI, and portfolio.  This experience enabled the students to address the SLC's objectives. LEARNING TO KNOW.. To understand oneself as a learner and have a better und