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Showing posts from March, 2021

Book and Culture Week

This week, DSKI celebrated Book and Culture Week with the Theme: "Weaving Diversity Through Reading and Culturally Responsive Learning." Preschoolers enjoy reading during our  D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) time.    They enjoyed the stories read to them by the Preschooler parent volunteers.    Darya reading a Russian Book about animals. Eva reading a Japanese Book about whale sharks. Oxana reading a Moldovian fairytale about the Snowdrops.   .. and the Preschoolers made their own crafts. Celebrating our love for books and our own culture from the Perky Preschoolers! Enjoy the Spring Break!!!  

Preschoolers Animal Exhibit 2021

The Perky Preschooler's Animal Exhibit is a showcase of all the students' learning in the Transdisciplinary Theme, 'How The World Works'.    They have shown that they are good communicators when they presented their learning to their parents, classmates, other teachers and guests.      Their creativity was evident in the many different ways they have presented the information.    Because they have researched, they were knowledgeable about the  animal, the life cycle, food cycle and the factors affecting change. They were able to confidently share their works to the audience.   Here are The Perky Preschoolers giving themselves a thumbs up for a  JOB WELL DONE!   

Preschoolers are REFLECTIVE

UNIT OF INQUIRY Preschoolers are very lucky to learn and understand the last Line of Inquiry  on "different factors that affect change and growth of animals" from someone who have actually worked with different animals!!  Veronica Anzuay , a Veterinarian came and shared with the Preschoolers her experiences and expertise about different animals.  She talked about the different reasons why animals don't survive, become endangered or extinct.  The preschoolers realised that some reasons are:  1. Predators  2. Health / Sickness 3. Lack of food and water 4. No shelter  or home 5. Dirty air to breathe 6.  People  They asked several questions and even came up with their own "Action Plan" on how they can help save the animals!  Thank you so much, Veronica for the wonderful presentation!  LITERACY After a week of planning, drafting and editing, Preschoolers are writing the final draft of their Animal Story.    They will publish their books soon!