Starting next week, Preschoolers will dive into inquiring on 'How the World Works'. An inquiry into the natural world (physical and biological), its human societies and human's impact on the environment.
We will be looking at the Central Idea that all living things go through a process of change.
Through the process, they will continue to be thinkers and researchers as they find answers to the Lines of Inquiry on patterns of growth, stages of a life cycle and factors affecting change. They also will develop their research, thinking skills and gain deeper understanding on the concepts on causation, change and responsibility.
These Essential Questions will guide and frame the preschoolers' inquiry on the unit.
1. What are the stages of the life cycle of a....?
2. What are the different patterns of growth?
3. How does human societies affect all other living things?
4. What are some ways where we can change the natural pattern in the environment?
A time for science and exploration for the preschoolers. A fun and exciting unit to start the year!
Thank you, Ms.Faye! I'm very curious how you cover all mentioned above 😁👍