What is CULTURE? This week, we have broken down the different aspects of culture. COUNTRY Firstly, we identified the country they are from. They were tested on their knowledge of their flag. It was amazing to know that a lot of them know what their flags look like. The color, symbols, and shapes that go with it. We will continue to inquire by also understanding the features that the flag represent. The colors, symbols, the shapes. For our transdisciplinary connection in math, preschoolers will go around the school to conduct a survey. We will find out information about the people at DSKI and how these affect our school's culture. With their partner, they thought of different questions that they would like to ask their respondents. They will survey the following questions: Where (country) are you from? What celebration is important for you and your family? What is the traditional food in your country? What clothes do you like ...
Excuse the mess, we are learning here