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Showing posts from November, 2023

Holidays around the corner

As the holidays come closer, DSKI parents and students have been busily preparing!  The christmas tree started empty but has slowly decorated with colorful ornaments created by the students . The preschoolers created an elf with a photo of them.  Each of the students carefully chose a spot to hang their ornament. Then we each watched as they carefully planted it on the tree.     We are looking forward for the christmas tree lighting event on Monday! We will also receive the Advent Calendar, a gift from the PTA and will start counting down the days until Christmas!   


"Why are all people different?" -Tamaki- I think that this is one of the most difficult question a child can ask.  Even I couldn't find the correct or the exact answers to this. However, 'Guess the Baby' experiment shows that we, somehow all look alike at some stage in our lives - when we are babies.  We looked at the strip of papers and the names written. We found out that a lot of the guesses where wrong and mixed up. We asked some teachers and students and they had a difficult time guessing the babies.  "They all look alike!" was the common response that we heard. But, if we look closely and pay attention, we can see that, the same baby is still there. So today, we have revealed the names of the babies!  Look at their photos... THEN and NOW Tamaki "The shape of the face looks the same."   Ciel Not one person guessed Ciel.  Well, Ciel didn't even recognize his own photo!  Koh "He still looks the same."  Daisy "Her smile and

Any Questions?

The Power of Question Effective question is the fundamental in engaging and transforming learning experiences. Through the art of effective questioning we encourage students to explore, analyze and create knowledge, love for learning, and develop the skills to be lifelong learners.  The students worked with a partner and list down questions to ask their parents about their childhood. They came up with different questions that they would like to know about themselves.  From the questions they listed down, we narrowed it down to two types of questions: 'thin' and 'thick' questions.  A 'THIN' question, is a question that can be answered by a yes or no. It can also be a question that has simple and specific answers. While a 'THICK' question can lead to a much deeper conversation and explanation.  As good researcher, they should ask questions that will help them gain a deeper understanding of an idea through thoughtful answers and explanations. This week, we