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Showing posts from February, 2024

100th Day

  100th Day of School Why do we celebrate The 100th Day of School?  As the Enrollment Party at the beginning of the school year, 100th day of school is considered a big celebration and has been a tradition in Preschool.  This marks a great milestone in the children's school life.  It means that the students are halfway through the year! It is a celebration wherein they can highlight their progress and show how much they have learned through the year.   For Numeracy, they showed their skills in:  skip counting identifying numbers 1 -100 counting on to 100 pattern blocks For Literacy, they made a short story.   We also made our 100 Days Smarter hat.  We did not forget the movement part wherein we did, 10 different kinds of exercises   10 times each.  Can you guess the total?  Then the fun part of filling in the 100 chart with 100 collections they brought to school! Tamaki's 100 beans. Eisuke's 100 collections of gems, pencils, stickers and erasers. Clara's 100 beads. Yori

Our colorful hands

We are all different.  But, We are all amazing, colorful and beautiful  - Perky Preschool - We looked at all the hands outside the preschool wall.  We wondered and shared words that inspired us from these hands. 'colorful, different, beautiful, helping, rainbow, unique, amazing, together...' From the list of words, we came up with one idea, 'We are all different but we are all amazing, colorful and beautiful.' It was an exercise that showed us that  despite everyone's differences in opinions and beliefs we can come up with one similar idea that we can all celebrate. Based on what the Preschoolers brainstormed about culture, we did a survey in the grade 1 class. We asked about;  the country they are from, languages they speak important celebration,  popular food in their country,  hair color, and eye color. These information will be put together and be used to understand the culture of students in the Lower Primary.  The preschools also used the school ipads and lear

What are your beliefs?

Beliefs  There are many things that we believe in and think that exist or are true.  These things shape and mold us into who we are.  The word "BELIEF" is a  big idea and  is  not easy to explain to the preschoolers.  So, I started of with a 'word bank'.  They threw out words or ideas that they can make, connect or relate with from the word BELIEFS. lie, believe, leaf, tree, bell, bees...  Then, the word belief was used in a sentence with context clues to help them understand.  We realize that the word BELIEVE was the closest word related to it.  We came up with a class definition.  "Beliefs are ideas or things we believe in.  It is what  we think is real  or it is because we see it. Our beliefs changes and it may not be the same with everyone's." After having understood what it meant, they did an exercise wherein the preschoolers wrote down on post its all the ideas or things that they believe in.  It was such a fun exercise and everyone was so excited!